i am a sleepy face. i feel like i was hit by a truck. and the truth is, i just survived a dvf sample sale. i feel like death. my feet still ache, and my back is all done up in knots. some hard earned money later, i am wondering where i am going to put all my new acquired clothing. there is no space in this closet of an apartment. luckily, a lot of the pieces are gifts. so time to start packing.
off to go celebrate the holidays swegypitan style - a party hosted by my brother and his egyptian friend.
then work all week long. it better fly by or ill be one frustrated girl. is it saturday yet?
åker till sverige om precis en vecka. ser sååå mycket fram emot det.
sweden in exactly one week. so freaking excited, i may just not be able to sleep this wk.
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