today, i jetted off to philadelphia, pennsylvania with my roomate to help campaign for obama. we canvassed all afternoon into the evening in west philly in an low income neighborhood. we went around to about 15o registered democratic voters houses and apartments making sure they had all of their polling information. the mccain campaign has been sending out fake pamphlets to the residents in these areas of philadelphia telling them that if you have any type of criminal record, debt, or even parking tickets that you would be arrested at the polling stations. these are the type of lies that are ridiculously unfair to american citizens. trying to steal votes is like taking away the freedom of the vote from americans. these men and women may be less informed of the current situation but scaring them off is not considered patriotic. and i thought mccain was all about patriotism? in florida, pamphlets were sent out to voters telling them that the democratic voting day is on wednesday not tomorrow. that is unbelievable.
give people the chance to vote. give people the chance to vote for the change they want whether that be mccain or obama but dont take away that american privilege.

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