last night, we showed up at mansion (a huge club here in nyc) around 8 to help make calls. the moment we walked in we heard people cheering. we had won pennsylvania. all of our hard work canvassing had paid off. i could just imagine all of those hopeful faces that we met in west philly at the polls. those men and women we met on the street and at their door's thresholds that were believers. many of them were wearing obama tshirts. there were kids screaming "obama!!" on the street. it made me so incredibly proud to know i was a part of that.
then we got to work. it was important to make phone calls to colorado residents to make sure they were still heading out to vote. we wanted them to understand that just because the east coast results were looking good didnt mean that their votes wouldnt matter. alex and i each called about 50 people from co and nv. and we won colorado, and florida. so all of the states that i made calls to were blue states.
it was time to party. obama was taking over the votes, and we were holding our breath in anticipation. and then as if it was new years...the crowd at mansion counted down 5...4...3...2...1 and screams and cheers exploded as the huge tv screens projected "Barack Obama Elected President."
those leggings look really, really great...
i thought these were cool too:
Ughhh, looks like a banger! Not sure Dallas had anything like that. Check out the illustration on our blog a few days fun.
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