Thursday, May 1, 2008

our oceans are turning into plastic. are we?

my school mailbox was over capacity, so i just went through all of my sent mail to delete as many emails as possible. i found this article (which karis shared with me from the beginning) in one of my many emails. it's about how there are large bodies of tangled plastic in our oceans. it lays out the scary facts about plastic pollution and the effects it has on the environment, marine life and even us.
"And of the seven different plastics in common use, only two of them—PET (labeled with #1 inside the triangle and used in soda bottles) and HDPE (labeled with #2 inside the triangle and used in milk jugs)—have much of an aftermarket. So no matter how virtuously you toss your chip bags and shampoo bottles into your blue bin, few of them will escape the landfill—only 3 to 5 percent of plastics are recycled in any way."

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